International fashion magazine Asiana promotes Remedy in a feature about it's founder Farhana J. Available worldwide.
Asiana Issue 24. Winter 2009-2010
"Women who WRITE wrongs
...dynamic young women who are taking the publishing world by storm.
'Sorry, but Asians are just not interested in arty farty stuff'
The magazine editor was unrepentant. There was no way she about to give away column inches over some poncy art exhibition when a genuine artist like Juggy D was about to reveal all about his inside leg measurements!
It's all a bit pathetic.
There are regular exhibitions at places such as the V&A and the Saatchi Gallery, highly acclaimed cultural music and dance shows everywhere from the South Bank of London to the Mac Arts Centre in Birmingham, dedicated theatre tropes such as Watermans and Tamasha putting on plays in every corner of the country - all highlighting things that are Asian through and through.
Still, it's not really our thing, apparently. Luckily I know plenty of people who disagree. Which is why I set up Remedy magazine- a publication that promotes artistic visions of creative people from all walks of life. Here, we don't consider any form of expression as pretentious, or dumb down our editorial in case people don't get it. We're not elitist. Even the shallowest of girls, obsessed with little more beyond beauty, can realise that make-up is an art form. Why not help try open her perfectly lined eyes to other art forms?
Even if you agree with me, can you really argue with the editor of Asiana who dismissed the arts as irrelevant to the to the Asian community? When was the last time you read a review of a play or an exhibition in this very magazine's Asiana Crush section...and actually went to it?
It's ironic, isn't it? Asians are so obsessed with culture. Yet when it comes to appreciating culture, we soak up very little to write home about..." www.remedymag.co.uk