Featured in Remedy Issue 6
By Farhana J
I was watching a documentary about slums, and how people have to live to survive, it highlighted to me just how powerful the TV is. I had no idea just how bad the situation is. This TV screen was showing me in great detail just what is happening, and that we in the west are so privileged and there is a lot we could be doing to help. Just then came an add break, a bombardment of plastic faced women telling me I deserve to have shiny hair, longer lashes and baby like skin ‘because I’m worth it”. It just felt so wrong, this TV screen was giving me completely contradicting messages. One minute I’m shown a women forced to work in a landfill so that she can put her children through school, the next I’m being told my eyes should be perfectly lined with thicker lashes and that I should be worrying about wrinkles! We have such a powerful communicative tool, what are we doing with it? Enforcing hiding behind fickle ideals rather then encouraging each other to look at how easily we could help others.
A child dies every 15 seconds in the slums, but my lips can stay glossy for up to 24hours.
We need a Remedy!