
The F Word. By Designer Ismat Jaffer

It seems that celebrities are happy to lend their name to many a cause, but feminism isn’t one of them. Apparently, equal rights for men and women just isn’t cool enough these days.
But is it that really surprising when most female singers are happy to fawn all over some butt ugly rapper in their music videos, or when most of the modern day rom-coms are based on the old cliché of men being commitment phobic and women being desperate for a relationship.
Is this really how far we have come? It just seems to me like we have almost gone backwards! Although women can now vote, choose what to wear and have better career prospects, it still appears that the only way a women can make as say a TV presenter is to pose in her chuddies for a mens mag, or if a female artist or director wants to get noticed she has to do something controversial to even get a look in.. Why is it so difficult to name 3 female film directors? Or when was the last time you watched a television programme when the female presenter wasn’t immaculately made up whilst the male presenter had just turned up in the clothes he slept in?
Maybe its time for a re-branding, to set young girls sights higher again and to bring a common goal to both men and women, as I am sure there are plenty of sensible guys out there who are getting bored this too! There were many men who supported the suffragette movement back in Emeline Pnakhursts’ day so I am sure there are many today who want some equality and some sensibility!
You don't have to be anti-man to be pro-woman. ~Jane Galvin Lewis
Article by Designer and Illustrator Ismat Jaffer
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